Writing today. It has been a while since I have been able to sit down and do some serious writing on more than one project. Because I am writing on more than one serious project – “A Story of Emily Post” and the Scribe’s Adventure – I have begun using something I have not used for years: A writing journal.
Many years ago I learned in class that keeping a “writing journal” would help keep your organization in writing projects nie near perfect; but never truly followed through with, that if you kept a writing journal of the pieces you are doing you have a book to go to if you can’t remember what chapter or section of a story you introduced a character. As a characters become introduced, you make a note of it. Each chapter has its notes, plus your own questions, and sometimes some answers to said questions! You have planning notes, concerned scribbles, lines to try, etc. PLUS you also keep track of the word counts and how many words you have actually gone down in one day. An added something I do with mine is to keep down the hours I start writing, the minutes when I take a break, and when I stop writing for the day. I also make sure to write goals, very few, I would like to see accomplished during the writing day. Currently, in just the past three days, I am more organized about my writing than I have been all year, and the writing itself is going more smoothly, with a considerable amount of words down, better words.
There is some snow on the ground now. It hasn’t covered the back yard, but it was good to see snow this morning. Since snow is here the temperatures have dropped – of course – so it feels like winter and Christmas. There is only one person I seriously need to get a present for, but I am not worried about it really. There is until Monday for me to find something that screams their name; however, I do not believe I am going to head out for any shopping solo tours with the memory of the mall so fresh. I am going to choose smaller stores for this part of the shopping. I am glad we are also celebrating Old Christmas (January 7) because this actually does get all of our gifting done and time to rest and celebrate it happily.
Most of the shopping for Carlos is complete. There are still presents I need to get, but not least of all my dogs. I need things now for my babies: for Gabby and Chewie.
Last night Kolbar said that if I would like a lap dog he wouldn’t mind having something that had Jack Russell terrier in it, and maybe even some chihuahua! Thrilled! I have said I wanted a lap dog or a lap cat and now Kolbar is looking at it a lot more seriously. Could there possibly be another bundle of joy to join our family soon?
Related articles
- Jack Russell Terrier Towing Baby On A Sled (neatorama.com)
- Get A New Story: Ready, Set, Write (scriptmag.com)
- Thoughtful Tuesday – I Am a Planner on Everything Except for Writing (michelleziegler.wordpress.com)
- The “ME” in the Stories I Tell (mrstrictlyintimate.wordpress.com)
- Month Twelve Reflections: Write Through It, with lists and bad holiday advice (12novels.com)
- How To Make The Most Of Scrivener For Your Manuscript (michaeljholley.com)